A Podcask of Amontillado Bloody Hilarious
Welcome back to A Podcask of Amontillado, where we delve into the dark, dreadful, and terrifying parts of the world.
The air has a chill, the leaves are begining to change, and much like spooky season itself, dear Connoisseurs, Erin & Gary have returned to the Catacombs! Recorded just after Halloween 2023, they are joined by talented author Rey Nichols to discuss works that dabble in two worlds, horror and comedy!
Listen in as they discuss the definition of a horror comedy vs a horror movie with jokes, the ones where it does & doesn’t work, camp vs bad vs funny, the black hole of the internet, vanity projects, when to riff & when to have a script, using comedy to control the flow of the story, movie series confusions, a whole lot of recommendations, and the difficulty of rolling their R’s.
Rey’s books on Amazon
Opening and closing music is “Softly Shall You Sleep,” by Valentine Wolfe.
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A Vino, Atrocitas.