A Podcask of Amontillado Favorite Vintages: The Naught-ies
Welcome back to A Podcask of Amontillado, where we delve into the dark, dreadful, and terrifying parts of the world.
Just in time for Halloween, Erin & Gary return with another double-sized episode, once more with their lists of horror movies they love, and recommend for your spooky season viewing! This time their selections come from the 2000s, or as some call them, the Naught-ies.
So grab your DivX, some popcorn, and listen in as they discuss brains being half-missing, big things that shouldn’t be big, horror vs thriller vs sci-fi vs weird, familiar unexpected names, discovering British comedy, the most likely zombie outbreak, enjoying something for what it is, Erin’s (probably) controversial Nightmare on Elm Street opinions, the call coming from inside the house, and their vow to one day catch Kamassa! Oh, and beware of SPOILERS!
Weird All & Huey Lewis discuss American Psycho
Dawn of the Dead (2004) opening credits, Andy’s Lost Tape, and News Broadcast extras
Simon Pegg recreates the Shaun of the Dead shop walk
Pyramid Head Cake
Black Veil Brides “Bleeders“
Rings (2005) short film
Opening and closing music is “Softly Shall You Sleep,” by Valentine Wolfe.
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A Vino, Atrocitas.